The prestigious event Cartoon Movie, recognized for being a platform for co-production and presentation of European animated feature films, has announced the 55 selected projects for its upcoming edition, scheduled from March 5th to 7th in Bordeaux, France. Among these, two projects from 3Doubles Producciones stand out.
One of the most promising projects is «Flamingo Flamenco» (80 minutes), a collaboration between Studio 100 Media (Germany) and 3Doubles Producciones. Set to premiere in the fourth quarter of 2026, this animated musical film promises to captivate audiences of all ages.
«Flamingo Flamenco» follows the exciting journey of Rosie, a young and energetic flamenco dancer, as she faces personal losses and embarks on a quest to rediscover the joy of dance. With an original script crafted by renowned writer Rob Sprackling (known for his work on films like Shaun the Sheep and Gnomeo & Juliet), the story highlights the importance of perseverance, self-discovery, and determination.
Darío Sánchez, General Director of 3Doubles Producciones, adds: «We are delighted to participate in this feature film that not only represents a part of Spanish culture and traditions but also promises to be a great adventure comedy. Working with Studio 100 Media on this project is an exciting opportunity for us.»
Additionally, «Superklaus,» a Christmas superhero story, will feature a 15-minute trailer in Cartoon Movie 2024. This Spanish-Canadian co-production, aimed at family audiences and featuring 3D animation, is scheduled to be released in cinemas this Christmas. It is directed by Steven Majaury and Andrea Sebastiá, with production by Capitán Araña, PVP Media and 3Doubles Producciones.
The film has already been sold to several territories, including the Baltics, Benelux, CIS, ex-Yugoslavia, Germany, Middle East, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Scandinavia.
The final budget for «Superklaus», whose original version is in English, is around 4 million euros between Canada and Spain. The ICAA has earmarked one million euros, and the Canary Islands tax incentive has been used to finance the film. «This has been fundamental for us, otherwise it would not have been impossible to put all this together», says Darío Sánchez, who explains that «we have done everything from the modelling to the compositing and the music, which is by Diego Navarro» and adds that the film has presented many challenges, one of the most important being the main character’s beard, especially in the short shots, as he has a kind of logo, as well as achieving the effects of the snow.