Premiere of «Los Olchis»

Por |2022-08-04T09:12:16+01:00septiembre 30th, 2021|Categorías: Storyboard|

Premiere of 'Los Olchis', the animated film by Toby Genkel and Jens Møller arrives in Spanish cinemas on 3 September 2021. The Ogglies are looking for a place to live, but they never feel welcome anywhere. They stink and most humans don't like them. When the family's dragon lands on the Pestilandia landfill, the Ogglies feel [...]

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Por |2022-08-04T09:57:00+01:00septiembre 7th, 2021|Categorías: Storyboard|

At 3 Doubles Producciones we continue to grow as a company and gain experience in the sector. We are working on several projects and look forward to adding more to our list. We have published on our website the new projects we are working on. We present 2 new projects for this year: Mia and Me [...]

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