The animated comedy «Rock Bottom» promises to take audiences on a prehistoric journey filled with laughter and learning. Featuring the stellar voices of Rob Schneider and Gabriel Iglesias, this film is the latest co-production between the Mexican animation studio Huevocartoon and the Spanish studio 3Doubles Producciones from Tenerife.

Stellar Cast

Rob Schneider, known for his extensive voice acting experience in animated movies and series, brings his characteristic humor and talent to «Rock Bottom.» He has previously worked on Adam Sandler’s productions like «Leo.» Alongside him, Gabriel Iglesias, famous for his roles in movies like «The Nut Job» and «The Book of Life,» adds a special touch with his unique style and charisma.

Engaging Storyline

The story follows Gungo, a heir to the throne who is banished due to his overconfidence. Forced to lead a diverse group of outcasts, Gungo must reclaim his rightful place. He also has to guide his tribe toward a promising future. Along the way, he will learn valuable lessons about unity, resilience, and the true meaning of strength.

Global Reach

Odin’s Eye Animation (OEA) has acquired the worldwide rights to «Rock Bottom,» except for Latin America and Spain. Videocine, under Televisa/Univision, will handle distribution in Latin America.

Creative Vision

The movie is co-directed, co-written, and co-produced by the talented brothers Rodolfo and Gabriel Riva Palacio, co-founders of Huevocartoon. It is edited by actress and Rob Schneider’s wife, Patricia Azarcoya Schneider. Their vision and creativity drive this exciting animated comedy.

Themes and Release

«Rock Bottom» promises to be an adventure full of fun and laughter. Moreover, it explores important universal themes such as unity and resilience. The film is slated for release at the end of 2026. Viewers can expect an enriching and visually stunning experience in a vibrant, life-filled prehistoric world.

Get ready to laugh, learn, and be swept away by this incredible prehistoric story!